Heathfield House

A beautiful property situated in East Sussex which has had some extensive remodeling of the house and driveway. We were asked to introduce some structure and planting around the house. The specification was to create a formal garden using architectural shapes within the planting scheme. To create more structure along the driveway and in front of the house, we used Taxus baccata which is an evergreen plant that lends itself to being trimmed regularly and creates a formal neat hedge and is great for topiary. We designed and installed large herbaceous borders with a formal 6mm steel edging to separate lawns. The specification was to have soft pinks and purples with continuous flowering throughout the growing season.

The Courtyard at the property had a beautifully built Sussex sandstone with lime pointing. The job was the create a bit more privacy above the wall using trees that would not block the wonderful stonework and would complement each other. We decided to use Malus ‘Everest’ a white blossoming crab apple which we could train along wires into espalier form. We under-planted the base of the trees with simple geraniums which flower throughout the growing season. The trees were brought in untrained and we used English green oak posts with stainless steel fixings and wires to create a Contemporary feel which would not be beaten by the English weather. The whole project was designed, supplied, and installed in-house by the Birchwood team.
