
Cranesden is a beautiful country Estate situated in East Sussex. We were brought onto the Estate to help manage and develop the garden. To the rear of the house are three large South West facing herbaceous borders which were overgrown and untidy.

The specification from the client was to redesign the borders and replace them with a soft planting scheme with a cottagey informal feeling. We used Hydrangeas, Artemisia’s, Delphiniums, Euphorbia’s, and Germaniums along with many other gorgeous plants to create soft pastels which would give bursts of flower and interest throughout the growing season and would keep coming back year on year. Included with the design was a fully automated irrigation system which we pumped water from the large lake on the property to keep the cost of watering to a minimum. The whole project was designed, supplied, and installed in-house by the expert and very skilled team at Birchwood.
